Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Implications of the credit crisis on digital signage in banking?

It is hardly arguable that the US credit contagion having spread to a new scale--in terms of the breadth of asset classes impacted, its now-global footprint, and its impact on leading institutions. 25 years of consolidation in the US has seemingly occurred in the past two weeks...

Given that financial services firms have been among the most aggressive adopters of digital signage, it seems reasonable to wonder what knock-off effects the crisis may have on continued market growth and the signage vendor community

We have some very clear opinions on the topic, which will be shared in due course, but thought in the mean time we would open the question up for discussion.

Please share your thoughts in the comments....


Anonymous said...

I have to believe that banks will stop spending on programs like digital signage. These are the 1st budgets that get cut. IMO banks will consolidate much more which means that there will be vastly less deals on the table. Look at Wells taking over Wachovia as an example- whoever wins the digital signage business for Wells will also get the Wachovia network- two deals just became one big one.

There are only a few digital signage companies and products that could manage a network of that scale. It will be interesting to see what unfolds.

Anonymous said...

How can we reach you to up date your list of roll outs in latin amaerica. We administer the banamex network and administer a number of other networks in mexico for banks. We would like to provide you with info regarding these other 1000 plus site per network. You can contact me at dfurlani@ssl.com.mx

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